Share of Turnover

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Version: 1.0.0

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Share Of Turnover


The area of residence of a card(holder) is estimated and the shared turnover of card areas is returned. The residence area of some cards can't be estimated if they have had too few transactions in the past 6 months, 'so only the estimable cards are accounted for in this analysis. For more information, refer to the documentation.

Name Located in Description Required Schema
business_private query Filter transactions by business (0 = business) and private (1 = private). No integer
category_code query Filter by a category code To get all supported category codes, use MCC mapping endpoint under the Mapping tag. Example : 14 No [ integer ]
domestic_international query Filter cardholder transactions by domestic (0 = domestic) or international (1 = international). No integer
estimated_residence_country_a3 query Filter by cardholder ISO-A3 country code. Example: DNK No [ string ]
estimated_residence_municipality_code query Filter by customer municipality code. Example: 43 No [ integer ]
estimated_residence_region_code query Filter by cardholder region. Example: 3 No [ integer ]
group_by query Group output by one or more of the following values. Possible values: transaction_year, transaction_quarter, transaction_month, transaction_week, online_physical, merchant_country, merchant_region, merchant_municipality, vertical, category, issuer_country, domestic_international, estimated_residence_country, estimated_residence_region, estimated_residence_municipality, is_municipality_local, is_regional_local, business_private. No [ string ]
is_municipality_local query Filter transactions by the cardholder estimated residence being either in the merchant municipality (1) or outside the merchant municipality (0). No integer
is_non_local query Filter transactions by cardholder estimated residence region not in merchant region (1) or cardholder estimated residence region in merchant region (0). No integer
is_regional_local query Filter transactions by cardholder estimated residence region not in merchant region (0) or cardholder estimated residence region in merchant region (1). No integer
issuer_country_a3 query Filter by issuer ISO-A3 country code. Example: DNK No [ string ]
merchant_country_a3 query Filter by a merchant ISO-A3 country code No string
merchant_municipality_code query Filter by a merchant municipality code To get all supported municipality codes, use Geographical mapping endpoint under the Mapping tag. No [ integer ]
merchant_region_code query Filter by a merchant region code To get all supported region codes, use Geographical mapping endpoint under the Mapping tag. No [ integer ]
month_range_end query End month in a range of months. Example: 10 No integer
month_range_start query Initial month in a range of months Example: 5 No integer
online_physical query Filter transactions by online (0 = e-commerce) and physical store (1 = POS). No integer
quarter_range_end query End quarter in a range of quarters. Example: 3 No integer
quarter_range_start query Initial quarter in a range of quarters Example: 1 No integer
transaction_month query Filter transactions by months(s). Example: 5 No [ integer ]
transaction_quarter query Filter transactions by quarter(s). Example: 1 No [ integer ]
transaction_week query Filter transactions by week(s). Example: 20 No [ integer ]
transaction_year query Filter transactions by year(s). No [ integer ]
vertical query Filter by a vertical To get all supported verticals, use MCC mapping endpoint under the Mapping tag. Example : Transportation No [ string ]
week_number_range_end query End week in a range of weeks. Example: 52 No integer
week_number_range_start query Initial week in a range of weeks Example: 5 No integer
year_range_end query End year in a range of years. Minimum value: Four years earlier than current year Maximum value: Current Year No integer
year_range_start query Initial year in a range of years Minimum value: Four years earlier than current year Maximum value: Current Year No integer
Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key header Yes string
Code Description
200 OK
400 Input error



Name Type Description Required
ShareOfTurnoverGroupBy string


Name Type Description Required
values [ object ] No


Name Type Description Required
transaction_year integer No
transaction_quarter integer No
transaction_month integer No
transaction_week integer No
merchant_country_a3 string No
merchant_region string No
merchant_municipality string No
vertical string No
category string No
issuer_country_a3 string No
domestic_international string No
business_private string No
online_physical string No
is_non_local string No
is_regional_local string No
is_municipality_local string No
estimated_residence_country_a3 string No
estimated_residence_municipality string No
estimated_residence_region string No
card_turnover_percentage_share number No
number_of_transactions_percentage_share number No
number_of_cards_percentage_share number No