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Correlation coefficient


A correlation coefficient between number of cards (approximately number of cardholders) and card turnover for each industry. This is commonly used for estimating the impact of specific segments in various industries, for example the impact of German-issued cards on the hospitality sector in Denmark.

The correlation coefficient is a statistical measure of the strength of the relationship between the relative movements of two variables. The values range between –1 and 1. A correlation of –1 shows a perfect negative correlation, while a correlation of 1 shows a perfect positive correlation. A correlation of 0 shows no linear relationship between the movement of the two variables—number of cards and card turnover. The closer the correlation coefficient is to the value of 1 the higher the impact is between the number of cards and card turnover. If it approaches 0, then the correlation between the number of consumers and their spending is close to none. In a few cases, the correlation coefficient is negative, which means that more cards are associated with less turnover, e.g. the travel industry during Covid-19 lockdown, as people only got refunds and made no purchases. For more information, refer to the documentation.

Name Located in Description Required Schema
business_private query Filter transactions by business (0 = business) and private (1 = private). No integer
category_code query Filter by a category code To get all supported category codes, use MCC mapping endpoint under the Mapping tag. Example : 14 No [ integer ]
domestic_international query Filter cardholder transactions by domestic (0 = domestic) or international (1 = international). No integer
estimated_residence_country_a3 query Filter by cardholder ISO-A3 country code. Example: DNK No [ string ]
estimated_residence_municipality_code query Filter by customer municipality code. Example: 43 No [ integer ]
estimated_residence_region_code query Filter by cardholder region. Example: 3 No [ integer ]
group_by query Group output by one or more of the following values. Possible values: online_physical, merchant_country, merchant_region, merchant_municipality, vertical, category, issuer_country, domestic_international, estimated_residence_country, estimated_residence_region, estimated_residence_municipality, is_municipality_local, is_regional_local, business_private. No [ string ]
is_municipality_local query Filter transactions by the cardholder estimated residence being either in the merchant municipality (1) or outside the merchant municipality (0). No integer
is_non_local query Filter transactions by cardholder estimated residence region not in merchant region (1) or cardholder estimated residence region in merchant region (0). No integer
is_regional_local query Filter transactions by cardholder estimated residence region not in merchant region (0) or cardholder estimated residence region in merchant region (1). No integer
issuer_country_a3 query Filter by issuer ISO-A3 country code. Example: DNK No [ string ]
merchant_country_a3 query Filter by a merchant ISO-A3 country code No [ string ]
merchant_municipality_code query Filter by a merchant municipality code To get all supported municipality codes, use Geographical mapping endpoint under the Mapping tag. No [ integer ]
merchant_region_code query Filter by a merchant region code To get all supported region codes, use Geographical mapping endpoint under the Mapping tag. No [ integer ]
month_range_end query End month in a range of months. Example: 10 No integer
month_range_start query Initial month in a range of months Example: 5 No integer
online_physical query Filter transactions by online (0 = e-commerce) and physical store (1 = POS). No integer
quarter_range_end query End quarter in a range of quarters. Example: 3 No integer
quarter_range_start query Initial quarter in a range of quarters Example: 1 No integer
transaction_month query Filter transactions by months(s). Example: 5 No [ integer ]
transaction_quarter query Filter transactions by quarter(s). Example: 1 No [ integer ]
transaction_year query Filter transactions by year(s). No [ integer ]
vertical query Filter by a vertical To get all supported verticals, use MCC mapping endpoint under the Mapping tag. Example : Transportation No [ string ]
year_range_end query End year in a range of years. Minimum value: Four years earlier than current year Maximum value: Current Year No integer
year_range_start query Initial year in a range of years Minimum value: Four years earlier than current year Maximum value: Current Year No integer
Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key header Yes string
Code Description
200 OK
400 Input error
500 Internal server error. Please, try again later. If the issue persists, please contact our support.



Name Type Description Required
CorrelationsGroupBy string


Name Type Description Required
values [ object ] No


Name Type Description Required
transaction_year integer No
transaction_quarter integer No
transaction_month integer No
business_private string No
online_physical string No
merchant_country_a3 string No
merchant_region string No
merchant_municipality string No
vertical string No
category string No
issuer_country_a3 string No
domestic_international string No
estimated_residence_country_a3 string No
estimated_residence_region string No
estimated_residence_municipality string No
is_non_local string No
is_regional_local string No
is_municipality_local string No
correlation_coefficient number No